Legal notice

The website "" is an offer of

Kanu-Wanderer Saarbrücken e.V.
Mettlacher Str. 13
66115 Saarbrücken

phone: +49 (0) 681 / 792921
fax: +49 (0) 681 / 7617775

tax reference number: 040/140/04241
VAT identification number: DE138117095
register: Saarbrücken VR 2164
responsible according to §5 TMG and §55 RStV:
Rudolf Sauer - 1. chairman (

Alexander Kirch - 2. chairman (

The website is maintained by:
Alexander Kirch (
Patrick Bermann (

Important information about links and references to websites provided by third parties:
Kanu-Wanderer Saarbrücken e.V. has no influence on the content of linked websites. We therefore distance ourselves explicitly from the content of all linked websites and do not adopt it as our own. All rights are reserved.

The provided files must not be copied or used without the expressed authorisation of Kanu-Wanderer Saarbrücken e.V.. In case of complaints please contact us.

Design and realisation:
Alexander Kirch (